I love tarot. I really love reading for other people, and I’m good at it. But part of living a multi-passionate life means that there are always more things I want to do than I have time for.
I feel like I’m drowning. Lately, I feel like I am drowning. I struggle to wake up in the morning, and my new meds are a frustrating cocktail of side effects.
As an adjunct professor, I have to hustle my ass off to keep teaching students, and my tarot business isn’t big enough yet to support me. Being a poet and a professor and a tarot reader, not to mention all of my duties in my personal life has me run ragged. This semester, I’m teaching four classes at two different schools in two different cities, and working part time at a writing center. I’m also still working on promoting my second book, and trying to adjust to new medication and keeping myself as well as possible, and spend time with my friends and family.
I want to believe that I can do anything, that I can do everything I want to do, but the truth is, I’m not able to. Most people hide the ugly parts of their lives, the difficult parts, but I want to be honest with the community I work with.
The Wild Unknown Tarot deck
in order to best serve you, I need to take time off this semester. I simply can’t do everything, and I cannot pour from an empty cup. Nothing this year has gone as expected, and even my routines are being crowded out by the bare necessities of surviving my days.
I love tarot. And the tarot teaches us that sometimes it’s time to take a break, and tend to ourselves. I hope to get through this semester and then figure out the next steps.
Thank you for understanding.