Since most of the creative people I know balance their art with day jobs, the weekend is our time to dive in deep with our creative projects, and for those on the academic track, summer is especially so. Today I bring you some advice to carry in to your weekend of creating.
Pick a card, and then scroll down.
(Deck used is The Hardy Tarot.)
Did you pick your card?
Card 1: The Hermit
Feedback can be wonderful, but now it's time to withdraw from the crowd, take what you can from the lessons others have given you, and trust your own intuition. Find time this weekend to be alone with your creative work, and think not about what other people want from you, but what you want from this project. What needs to stay, what needs to go? Tune out the external voices, and tune in to your intuition. Trust yourself. You are the creator, and only you can make this work.
Card 2: Eight of Wands
Research and planning are wonderful, but now it's time to sit down and get to work. Start writing, painting, shooting photos, whatever your genre requires. This card is meant to light a fire under your ass to actually get shit done. Do what you need to to do in order to get the momentum for a creative sprint this weekend.
Card 3: Death
Something needs to change in your current project. Is it time to let this particular project go? Perhaps your novel should be in first person, not third person. Whatever the case, a major transition is required with your creative work right now. Take some time to consider deeply what your work truly needs--and why? What are you holding on to that isn't serving the work? Time to kill it off now.
Now take the message from the cards, and head off into a productive, creative weekend!